Blogger templates

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Amazon Widgets to complement your messages in WordPress

Many bloggers publish content because they like to share their ideas with others. But it is never harmful or greedy to think of monetizing your blog. And the good way to monetize your WordPress blog is to promote the products and services that will add value to your readers.

There are that many affiliates programs and listings of available online network. One of the affiliate programs that I love is Amazon Associates program and specifically, Amazon widgets.

Amazon describes Amazon widgets as "a series of small, easily configurable elements that can be used for products from feature on blogs, websites and social networking pages". I will you brief on three of the fifteen Amazon widgets and I will give you an example on how to use them on your blog.

If you are a user of Google AdSense, you'll love this widget. Omakase Widget works in the same way as Google AdSense, but it could generate more revenue for you. This widget has the products that are related to the content of your blog automatically. For example, if you're still written about Designer bags you can add this Amazon widget to bags designer bestseller featured. Given that these bags are expensive, you will generate revenue more of them than Google AdSense while providing relevant ads to your readers.

Almost everyone has at least one car. And if you are a person who knows everything about cars and enjoys writing about ways to pimp your ride, then Amazon has created a widget specifically for you. Auto part Finder Widget helps your readers to search for on Amazon automotive parts while reading your blog.

If you usually publish reviews on the films on your blog, you should try adding the Carousel Widget to your blog. This widget allows to handpick products to show your readers. For example, if you are reviewing the film Finding Nemo, then you can add elements such as its DVD, video games and books for the widget and help your readers easily buy products that interest them.

The range of techniques and services monetize your WordPress blog are broad. But what is important is not step affect enjoyment of readers of your blog when you start displaying ads on your blog. Personally, I suggest using Amazon widgets, if you are interested in the ease of implementation and the possibility to customize the advertisements. Amazon Widgets do not hesitate to put in place and have high conversion rates. It is an excellent place to start.

Joyce has worked as a consultant helping wordpress amazon associates to earn money online.

Learn how to add widgets for WordPress Amazon above blog.

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