Blogger templates

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How you organize your Sidebar Blog says a lot about your business

How you organize the sidebar of your Blog reveals much about serious that you talk about connecting with people and to share your blog with others.

And not even that if your blog has a commercial flavour where the blood of the exercise is to achieve large scale (and potential customers) as possible.

Here are some tips to help you spread the word.

Place your rss subscribe link and e-mail subscribe links at the top of your sidebar. If they are buried under another panel side "widgets", the chances of their getting seen are thin enough. It is logical to make them more visible as possible.

My "model" for a side panel of commercial blogs is the following:

RSS / Email and Twitter subscribe links first.
-I would like to add a little please comment here also logo. -
Your last offers
Your twitter feed-5 last comments is much
Blog archive
On you.
... .anything else.

Even if you use a standard blogger template, there is still you can do to make seem like things and a little more unique.

Customize the header for an image - the logo of your company for example. Customize fonts, colors of headings and links etc. For those comfortable with html and css, to consider in your blogger template and making it more broadly it is now or add a custom background.

Now that your blog is ready for clients, the thing that you need to do is get two your content "out there" and make potential customers that your blog is.

The sites of social media to use such as Digg and Stumbleupon share your content. To attract readers, promote your latest posts on Twitter or their armor in authentic comments on other blogs and forums.

You have em'-now how to keep em'?

Win a new following is great, but how exactly are you going to keep them coming back for more?

You have made easy for them to keep updated each time you post something new - via RSS or alerts by email – even Twitter is automatically tweeting new positions.

In a Word - Content.

Gimmicks are of short duration - this is the content that will keep people back for more information. Therefore, it will take some time to discover exactly what type of content and what style of writing most of the calls to your readers.

A little different styles until you find a format that works for you, but also feels comfortable to write. If you like the, you are more likely to make a success of it.

A general rule is shorter posts with links to "read", which blogger now supports, rather than long positions, but it really depends on your audience. If they look a very thorough analysis, a longer piece could transmit it more in depth.

Cheers and good luck! -Jonathan.

Jonathan Crouch is technical partner and designer of Web sites for the fabulous Photo gifts - photo gifts company custom. In his quieter moments, he blogs "How-to" and "seo" self help articles for small businesses and individuals, based on his own years of experience.

Web site:

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