Blogger templates

Friday, June 17, 2011

Top commentators Widget is COOL!

Every since I created my blog and learned about the widgets and Plugins, I've been fascinated by all things you can do with them. My new favorite widget is top commentator. This is a widget that lists people who leave the most comments on your blog ticket.

Now before you set this up, you need to install it and you can find it in Plugins. Once installed, there are different contexts the choice. Based on the preferences you and appearance that you are trying to obtain, that will determine your settings.

I like this because there are so many ways that you can configure it, but here are my top 5 features for this widget.

1 Change the title of the widget. You can customize it with your personality. I have made My Top 10 Blog Buddies.

2. Add the description below the title. How you identify your list or you could use this to leave a message for your top commentators. I chose to leave a message at my top commentators.

3. You can exclude certain users. Good for commentators unwanted. If you are someone who always leaves comments negative or unwanted, you can exclude this person.

4 Show Gravatar. This is another good way for people to brand themselves by leaving comments.

5 Link each name. It is the most important for me because anyone who comments on my blog will have the opportunity to other links to their Web sites simply because their name appears on my list of top commentator. It is another way to make your name and the viral brand.

What are some of the parameter that you can choose from but there is more. Once again, the choice is yours.

YOUR success,


Rodney Gainous, Jr. is an exciting marketing Internet offering content people advice at and outstanding success in business.

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